Rio Declaration in non-formal education
December 16, 2019
[:en]The World Non-Formal Education Forum was convened by World Scouting in collaboration with UNICEF, UNFPA and the OSGEY involving more than 70 international organizations, youth organizations and UN entities to offer a dynamic global platform for actors involved in non-formal education. Delegates from Nepal Scouts has actively participated on the WNEF, which held from 9th Dec to 11th Dec 2019 in Rio de Janerio, the three-day program was a brilliant platform which updated, encouraged and empowered those who are working to their best to create constructive pathway through Non-Formal Education. This Forum was successful in gathering the resources and ideas from different corners of the world.
The Forum gave an opportunity to create channels which opens the possibility of future partnership with organizations which incorporated the goal of World-Scouting regarding non-formal education. WNEF repeatedly raised its concern regarding the importance of collaboration of these organizations who came together in the Forum to reinvent and reinvest in future partnerships to achieve the common goal of Non-Formal Education.
The other simple yet substantial effort of ‘Measuring the impact of Non-Formal Education ‘ was brought into notice. Only when the Non-Formal education is measured, the relevance of Non-Formal Education can be exposed throughout the world. This would lead toward the self determination of each country and creating a relevant impact through continuous dialogue. Thus, measurement being a fundamental to carry on with our effort in achievement of the goal.
Multiple sessions with multiple participants from diverse corners of the world played a role in inclusive dialogue which gave different perspectives and different ideas in making the world better. Opinions of participants ranging from ‘Take Action-Don’t Wait’ to ‘Exposing them to Reality for Sustainable Development’ and ‘ Assessment to be done in non-threatening manner’ have created an impact on everyone in the forum. This even supported not only to get informed but also functioned as a reinforcement tool which becomes useful at intervals to be focused. Thus, WNEF has also facilitated in triggering the passion ever more and reinforcing the actions which sometimes remain at back of the mind.
Last but not the least of the forum highlighted the importance of standing along with Youth Members and facilitating them to create Youth Leaders for sustainable community development. The Forum which was enormously effective in expressing the Scouts Movement via non-formal education and making the participants understand their role in this dynamic environment. [:ne] [:]