Our Project

Finland-Nepal Partnership Project (FNPP)

27November, 2024

Finland-Nepal Partnership Project (FNPP)

Scouts, Peace and Security

Scouts, Peace and Security is a partnership project between Nepal Scouts (NS) & Guides and Scouts of Finland (GSF) “with support from Finland’s Development Cooperation”. GSF and NS have had a long partnership since the 1980s and it offers both organizations to fulfill global responsibility by supporting each other and its members. This project’s long-term developmental goal is to support social peace and strong youth participation in peace building in Nepal. This long-term development goal is supported by two outcomes and the impact Youth contribute to peace in their communities and at the national level. At the grassroots level, children and youth learn peacebuilding and conflict resolution skills each year as part of scouting activities. This grassroots activity is supported by high level advocacy promoted through the youth, peace and security 2250 actions. In the long run, Nepali youth will be an active part of state and local decision making and peace processes. ​​

After the end of the project, trained scouts will continue to monitor the progress of the 2250 national process and support decision makers to implement the National Action Plan.​

The overall objective is to empower young people and enhance social cohesion in Nepal and Finland through Peace Education as well as to build a more equal, fair and secure world and strengthen youth participation for development of society through Peace Education.

The goal of Scouts, Peace and Security project:

To strengthen peace education and youth participation in decision making processes in Nepal
To contribute to social peace in their communities and at the national level
To aid youth to have stronger role in their communities as Peace Builders and conflict solvers.

The project is divided into three main categories:

1. Peace Education

One of the main mandates of this project is non-formal education that supports children and youth development. The three main thematic areas of peace education are: conflict resolution skills, hate speech and life skills. Through this project, peace education will be included in the Youth Program of Nepal Scouts.

416 young scouts’ leaders were trained in peace education at national and provincial level in 2023 to take peace education at local scouts’ unit. Young people will obtain their SPS badge after attending peace education and completing a community project.

2. Networking Event

The young scout leaders who have participated in the training and learned about peace education and UNSCR 2250 will organize meetings with provincial decision-makers to network and discuss topics relevant to their localities with the support of project. With these meetings, it is expected that scouts establish good working relations with the decision makers in the provinces and can continue approaching them with relevant issues. These meetings also lay the groundwork for organizing ten 2250 discussion events in each province.

3. 2250 Discussion Event

At the 2250 discussion events, youth and relevant provincial and local decision makers come together to discuss issues relevant to youth in the context of peace and security. Each event is reported, and a proposal is compiled by Nepal Scouts based on the event reports. The proposal is handed over to the Ministry of Youth and Sports at the 2250 launch event in 2025. Through an event and proposal that is based on youth’s experiences all around the country, it is expected that decision makers’ interest in youth, peace and security will increase. Based on the knowledge they have gained in the discussion events and the launch event, youth will be able to form a group structure to follow up with and monitor Nepal’s action to realize the Youth, Peace and Security agenda, including the development of a National Action Plan.

Overall Expected Output of the Project (2023-2025)


420 Scouts Leaders will be trained in Peace Education


7560 young scouts will receive peace education


7 Networking Events will be organized


70 ‘2250 Discussion Event’ will be organized


Proposal based on 2250 discussion event reports developed​

____________________ The END__________________

Denmark-Nepal Partnership Project

22March, 2024

Nepal Scouts, member organization of WOSM and WAGGGS, and KFUM-Spejdeme i Danmark, member of WOSM have decided to enter a partnership starting from June 1st 2023 till December 31st 2027.

The initiation of the partnership is based on a shared value system based on the scouting method, and with youth as the creators of , and beneficiaries of, the joint work. The partnerships aim to create mutual benefits for both association by acknowledging the strength in differences and through activities that foster intercultural experiences and understanding.



The vision of the partnership is:

  • To strengthen the individual scout and the association as a whole, by mutual exchange of knowledge and activities the foster inspiration and development.
  • To give every member of our associations the possibility to experience central elements of the partner associations cultural heritage.
  • To inspire in young people, the realization of being part of a global movement, reflect on their possibility of becoming change makers, and empower them to take active part in their role as global citizens.


Project started with:

The pilot project was aimed to organize a National Youth Forum in Nepal, bringing together Nepalese youth scouts from all provinces with the purpose of electing and supporting a Youth Council. The project also involved the participation of Danish youth as participants/facilitators, fostering intercultural exchange and discussions on democratic processes within their respective organizations. The Danish participants have gained inspiration and ideas from the interactions with the Nepalese scouts, observing their youth programs and initiatives. Whereas, the Nepalese participants will develop action plans at provincial and national levels, empowering them to become local changemakers. The target groups of the project include Danish and Nepalese youth, as well as the partnering organizations involved.

  • Development Visit in Denmark
A delegate from Nepal Scouts traveled to Denmark from May 7th to May 12th to explore a collaborative development project. The visit primarily aimed at strategizing, generating ideas, and establishing connections for upcoming projects scheduled in Nepal for 2024, 2025, and 2026. Additionally, it aimed to facilitate youth engagement, scout center enhancement, activity development, and support for project leaders. Additionally, the recent pilot project was successful in enriching the Youth Forum of Nepal Scouts by laying the foundations of involving youth in decision-making practices.



Messenger of Peace

26August, 2017


Introduction of Messengers of Peace (MOP)

Messengers of Peace is a World Scout Committee initiative designed to promote and recognize service projects that contribute to world peace. (more…)