Review Presentation on existing Youth Programme of Nepal Scouts by Mr. Dev Raj Ghimire, WOSM Consultant
September 5, 2020
The reflection on the previous session held on 28th August 2020 on “ World Youth Programme Policy led by Mr. Steve Tyas, WOSM Consultant and Prepared to Learn, Prepared to Lead” led by Mel Reoch, WAGGGS Core Mission Lead Volunteer – Girl Experience was presented by National Leader Trainer, Mr. Shiva Kumar Poudyal.
The eighth session of the Capacity Enhancement Webinar Series was administered by Mr. Devraj Ghimire, WOSM Consultant on the topic “Review Presentation on existing Youth Programme of Nepal Scouts”. The contents included in the session were:
- Background
- Existing Nepal Scouts Youth Programme
- Trial Ahead
In the beginning, participants were asked to respond to engaging Zoom Pools as an icebreaker Activity.
During the session, he explained What The Youth Programme is, Why it is Necessary and How it is implemented. Also, he explained in details about the Two Policies of WOSM which are :
a.) World Scout Youth Programme Policy–
- -This Policy is a major institutional document that is updated from an earlier policy-1990. Approved at Slovenia World Scout Conference.
- -The update includes Increased Youth Participation, New Theories promotes non-formal education for life.
- -Aimed at uniting Scouts all over the world to the main core units that match the diverse culture and needs of young people.
b.) World Scout Youth Involvement Policy:
- This Policy was adopted by the 40th World Scout Conference, Slovenia by Res No 9/14.
- The Update includes:
- (i.) Development in Youth Involvement occurred since the last policy in 1993.
- (ii.) Guidelines to increase opportunities for youth members involved in the future at all levels of Scouting.
- (iii.) A framework to assist with implementation at local, institutional, and wider community levels.
He also explained What’s New in the World Scout Youth Involvement Policy?
It defines and explains Youth Involvement and Why it is necessary for Scouting, how should it be ensured and strengthened at all levels of Scouting. It emphasizes the importance of the team and leadership experience. It introduces guidelines for Youth Involvement at the community level, emphasizes the need to establish a collaborative environment for the young people and adults to share knowledge and skills, provides a timeframe for 9 years for the implementation and review.
Further, he explained briefly about Adults in Scouting World Policy and the Aim of the Adults in Scouting. He also elaborated on the points to be considered in the implementation of the Youth Programme and the responsible authorities for the Youth Programme; such as Facilitator, Developer, and Supporter. Lastly, the Expected outcome of the Youth Programme Revision is explained. The main session was followed by the interactive Q and A session.
The eighth session was successfully concluded in the presence of 59 participants with the closing remarks by Mr. Bijendra Dhowju, Programme Director.