Formation of all 753 Local scout committee

Formation of all 753 Local scout committee


Nepal Scouts has formed a local level scout committee on 28 April 2021. Nepal Scouts continued to expand its wings at all 753 local levels of governance in the country. As per the new roadmap of Nepal scouts, the massive organizational restructuring has been possible through the vision and hard work of current leadership, with the continuous support of WOSM and WAGGGS.

National Coordinator of Nepal Scouts Mr. Lok Bahadur Bhandari announced the formation of local level committees amid a press conference at Kathmandu Mariott Hotel today and briefed with a Press Note among reporters of premier media houses of the country. Coordinator Mr. Bhandari also provided information on how Nepal Scouts is working on rapid development and expansion to all levels of the country. He also stressed the continued and significant growth of Scouting in the country in coordination with all levels of the government. Director of Nepal Scouts Mr. Ram Prasad Bhattarai announced the name of the leaders of all 753 local committees.

After the country went into the federal system in 2015, Nepal Scouts also had to reframe into the federal model of governance in the country. This is the latest in the process of integration according to the constitution. Nepal Scouts had appointed leading committees at the Provincial level on 22 October 2020. After this appointment, Nepal Scouts is now fully functional at all administrative divisions ensuring to provide quality scouting for the young people of Nepal.

