Partnership with KFUM-Spejderne i Danmark

Partnership with KFUM-Spejderne i Danmark

A team of delegates from KFUM-Spejderne i Danmark visited Nepal Scouts as part of partnership identification process. Nepal Scouts would like to sincerely thank all the representative and the team for their visit and interaction. The visit was from 8th May till 14th May.

The team held an interaction with the Rover/Ranger of Nepal Scouts and exchange their ideas and showcase their activities. Both the NSO have identified the partnership area where the collaboration could take place. The collaboration is aiming to empower youth and strengthen the individual scout through the area identified during the visit. It is with the aim of having the inter-cultural interaction between the scouts that this program is built upon and putting youth at the center of the program, both the NSO will be enhancing membership growth through attractive skills to respective communities. Further discussion and planning will be held to operationalize the partnership.

Nepal Scouts and KFUM-Spejderne are committed to further enhance this partnership by building up the activities and hosting the scout members. This is a little step that is taken to build a scouting movement globally and contributing to create a better world.