Volunteer towards community
May 1, 2020

[:en]The Novel Coronavirus pandemic is placing significant strains on health systems, essential public service and communities globally. This has put increasing restrictions on the freedom of movement of people across the globe but despite this, Nepal Scouts members and volunteers travel to duty stations in order to meet their role in fighting against the pandemic to keep the community safe and assist the distressed population.
During the lockdown, Nepal Scouts volunteers taking the responsibility of their health and that of their community have been providing generous and courageous service on their own initiation and later have been abundantly supported by the community for their Scouts action on the field which displays their immense persistence and heroic approach to help where the community have been lacking.
Amid such pandemic outburst, where hospitals are over-crowded with overflowing patients and suspect candidates, in such scenario Nepal Scouts Volunteer have been assisting actively to support the health workers by collecting information such as patients health and travel history, managing fever clinic, providing counseling to patients, providing awareness information and any other logistic support which speeds up of the work in a hospital.
Photo Courtesy: Dekhapadhi
Rajesh Gaiju, Scout Leader of Bhaktapur District have been staying at the hospital and has provided enormous support as a volunteer to Bhaktapur Hospital since the lockdown. On the leadership of Gaiju, Nhuza Kiju- Rover Scout who has also been assisting in the same hospital has been taking sufficient precautionary measures for this fight against Corona and has relentlessly carried the management task.
Moreover, in collaboration with Nepal Scouts NHQ, RONB (Facebook page) and COVID19 Information Centre Nepal (CICN), volunteers have also shown their remarkable and striking actions in their effort to feed the hungry stranded animals around the Kathmandu Valley which were wholly dependent on the kindness and leftovers from the individuals and marketplaces before the lockdown. After the lockdown, upon the media’s revelation and the public’s concern for the hungry animals, a group led by Director Ram Prasad Bhattarai and Santosh Kumar Thapa have been dedicated to feeding these animals in and around the valley including birds, dogs, monkeys and fish. This action was started with volunteers’ own expense and was later supported in kinds by the social media personals and community locally.
Charumati Open Scout Group has also taken an initiation to distribute the meals to the needy people. Whereas Bhaktapur District Headquarters mobilized the volunteers to run the campaign to aware people to maintain social distance even while local people came out to buy the groceries in their locality.
Apart from the heroic actions in the field to save humans as well as animals and aware people in the society, Nepal Scouts members have been well organized to carry out their duty in the virtual world. The Stay Home Live Sessions on Facebook have gathered much attention of the members and non-members in contributing to staying at home scouting actions where they deliver and participate in wide arrays of highly interactive programs. The Live Session has accounted for nine episodes so far discussing the preventive measures during the pandemic, the crucial aspects of mental health during the lockdown, the current and future commitment and roles of scouts during the changing nature of pandemic, cyber awareness, the role of leaders and much more. The sessions are thriving significantly from participants all over the country and have succeeded thoroughly in meeting its purpose of providing the participants with useful insights and means to carry on during such challenging time, motivating them and engaging them in a one-hour long session every evening.
Such inspiring, daring and joint efforts to mitigate the social, environmental and health impacts of this crisis and to safeguard the progress made so far, Nepal Scouts members deserve accolades and encouragement from the community. Stay Safe! Stay Home! Protect your life and community by staying at home.